Saturday, September 25, 2010


(detail from the quilt)

The first thing I received when I found out I was pregnant was a handmade quilt from my mom. It did not come as a surprise as I specifically asked her to make one for me to match the colors and pillows (pillows that she made) in our bedroom. I wanted it because this little dude is coming in February which I consider the coldest month of the year for us. I thought it might be nice to have to snuggle him in during those midnight feedings.

I gave her no direction, just requested she use the same fabric and colors we had picked out for the accent pillows many months before hand. I heard no more about the quilt until she was ready to put her favorite touch on it. A few pieces of velvet ribbon. She wondered about what colors I wanted. Not knowing the sex of our little one yet, I chose cream and green.

And with that choice made I received my quilt:

(quilt hung up on my bedroom wall)

Isn't it lovely!!!?
I need to figure out the best way to photograph a quilt because this picture isn't even doing it a bit of justice. I admire it sitting draped over the chair in our bedroom every morning when I wake up, and every night before I go to sleep. I can't wait to use it, and pray the little one doesn't get too many gooey messes on it! (wishful thinking I am sure) I love it so much I immediately told her she should be selling these in her shop along side her plush animals. No word yet on if she will, but thankfully I know that at least I can get one of these beauties whenever I want!

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