Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Flickr Favorites - Decorating

I have been in decorators mode for the last week, as my brother prepares to move into a new apartment. He's going from a tiny studio apartment to a spacious 1 bedroom and there is a lot of furniture he's lacking*.

While helping him find what he needs I've been day dreaming about having a completely fresh palette of my own to decorate. I absolutely love being able to transform a blank space into something that is meaningful, and cozy. If only I had the time to do a little redecorating around here!

*the mosaic is what I love to use for redecorating. My brother is going with a manly red/grey/more grey theme. :)

Want to see some more flickr favorites?
Head on over here!


Andreia said...

Lovely mosaic!

inge said...

decorating is a lot of work but also a lot of fun !

Mitsy / ArtMind said...

If I need to decorate again, I know where to find you. It is something I don't like very much - too much fuss and hassle for me. ;)


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