Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Flickr Favorites - Chill Out

Life has been chaotic these past few weeks.
I spent basically the entire month of August recovering from an illness which landed me in the hospital, and from which I am still dealing with the medical world until at least the end of this month.

My sweet boy has learned to crawl, stand up, and destroy everything he can lay his tiny little hands on. Never a dull moment around here. Never.

A feature on heartsy caused a big increase in sales, a happy increase I might add, challenging me to balance chasing after said wee one, writing customers back in a timely fashion, mailing packages, and taking care of two dogs and a home.

Throw in a major move for my little brother, who is currently using my home to store half of everything he owns, and my life is one big chaotic jumble!

I've never spent a night away from my baby boy before, but I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe, a long weekend to relax, and unwind might be a good thing in the coming weeks :)
(Could I really relax without him near me though? Probably not!)

want to see more flickr favorites?
head on over here!


OnePerfectDay said...

Such pretty pictures!

Mitsy / ArtMind said...

Beautiful mosaic, Stephanie! I don't think you'd be relaxed without your little one but escaping for a few hours an knowing he's in the care of your parents or grandparents would be good I think! :)

Viktoria said...

really chilling mosaic!
take your time to rest!


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