Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Good Excuse

So why haven't I blogged in a month?
For a very good, very growing reason.

Baby number two decided to let us know of its existence, coming as a complete surprise, just after Christmas! Unlike my son, this pregnancy has been absolutely plagued with sickness morning, noon, and night. I find it very hard to exist everyday, let alone blog.

But as the first trimester nears it's end, I am hoping that so too will the sickness. And then I promise to be a better blogger.

And also, YAY! Shocked we were, but we are also super super super excited and feeling very blessed right now.


Unknown said...


This is SO awesome. SO AWESOME!

So very happy for you both. And really excited!

Now we can swap nursery images ;)


Stephanie said...

I pinterest ideas daily! All I am sure of is it will have a handmade quilt from my mom, a handmade crochet afghan from me, and a hand made bunting banner with his/her name on it just like my son has. Everything else is up in the air!

Nauli said...

Congratulations! And best wishes from us! Hope for you, you're getting better soon. Most people say, if you feel sick at the first three months everything will be fine the rest of the pregnancy.
All the best!

Unknown said...

Tap tap tap - is this thing on? I need to know what's going on in your world - MORE UPDATES!!! ;)

Hope the pregnancy is going well and you're feeling great!

Stephanie said...

I know, I know, I know! I am actually in the progress of starting a new blog (more on that when it's up and running)....almost there :)

The only new news I have is...it's a girl! woooo :)


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