Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Flickr Favorites - Senses

This week is theme week for flickr favorite's players. Miss Artmind posed the question:

" what touches your senses, gives you goosebumps, makes you all gooey inside..."

Initially I thought this was going to be a very difficult challenge to put to pictures. Because like Artmind I am a pretty sensitive person. Going for a walk in the woods, waking up to the smell of an ocean breeze, or something as small as walking into my kitchen with fresh cut flowers on the table can lift my spirits, make me smile. When I see something or somebody who touches me it alters my way of thinking, reminds me not to be too self-absorbed. I love those moments, and I hope I never lose that.


Anca Pandrea said...

There are so many things that can move us. But it is so very important to cherish the moment. I love your delicate mosaic, really pretty!

FishesMakeWishes said...

Very elegant mosaic, I love the subtle colors :-)

Mitsy / ArtMind said...

Love your photochoices, Stephanie. They are soft, sensible and sweet, just like you! :)


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