Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Flickr Favorites - Life

Well I guess I spoke too soon. Lee is still in the hospital and things are kind of up and down. They tell me he should be home tomorrow, but I'll believe it when I see them wheeling him out to the car.

I'll post the details tomorrow, after I've spoken with all of the doctors.

For now I am going to rest and relax my bones.
And give the dogs a lot of love. They are missing someone pretty terribly. I guess this is just the ups and downs of life.

Want to make your own flickr favorites? Head over to Mitsy's blog and sign up!


Rosina {Rosy ~ Posy} said...

What a touching mosaic... so calming. I hope that your 'lee' will be able to return home tomorrow :)

Mitsy / ArtMind said...

Oh my friend, I'm so sad to hear that Lee's still in hospital. I'll light a candle that all will be well!
Take care!
A nice surprise arrived yesterday - it put a smile to my face! :)
Big thank you's to your grandma, Stephanie. I'll try to write you soon!


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