Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fueling an Obsession

Normally you wouldn't catch me out in all that Black Friday shopping madness, however there was a local pottery sale on that fateful day and you bet I wasn't going to miss it! My first degree is in ceramics, and I'm a huge admirer and collector of all things clay. After being the first person through the door (of course I was there the second the doors opened) I managed to grab a porcelain mixing bowl, ice cream bowl, and two beautiful cups (one for me, one for Lee). What? That doesn't sound like very much for an obsessed pottery collector you say? My grandmother purchased two dinner plates, one salad plate, and two bowls for our everyday eating dinnerware collection, and my mother purchased an additional plate for our collection. Oh, and I'm making my grandmother truck back up there to purchase a pin I've decided I need for some of my knit scarves. <---These last gifts are for Christmas. (you'll see pictures as soon as they are in my hands) I guess Black Friday shopping isn't so bad! (You won't catch me at any mall though)


Jaimee McClellan said...

Wow, you certainly made out!
Where is that shop...they have such beautiful things?

I'm usually sucked into Annapolis Pottery every time we make the trip to MD. My Mother-In-Law always gets me a beautiful platter or bowl each Christmas to add to my collection.

I dabbled in ceramics in college but was never really that good at it. I did spend two summers as the Potter/Weaver at a Historic Village though...that was the BEST JOB EVER!!!

Stephanie said...

Jaimee, That does sound like an awesome job! I guess I should have added in my post that the pottery shop is in Upstate NY where my family lives. Sorry!

Mitsy / ArtMind said...

I love the white bowl with turqoise inside. So beautiful! You know I love clay too! ;)

Jaimee McClellan said...

Is it anywhere near Troy, NY? I have a friend that owns a shop in Troy and she said there are tons of potters in their little shopping district.


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